My mother worked in #TheSpectator #newspaper office throughout her pregnancy with me.
When outside of the womb I was in my Grandmothers arms, when Mom was working.
Growing up with Nan, she taught me everything she was doing in their photography Studio, Rose Studio. Nan, Helen Rose, hand developed, painted, dried and packed photos for clients and it was she who "got Grampy into photography when she was 12".
By the time I was able to, I was holding the tongs to aid in the miracle of manifestation that is the chemistry of photography.
As well as developing film, my grandparents had the only portrait studio in town, and of course, the latest in cameras and film.
By the time I was seven years old, I'd seen, how many, I wonder 100,000? photographs and had developed thousands.
Watching images rise on the blank pink paper was a wonder to witness every time.
Making an #abstract #painting for me is a mirrored experience, to the #manifesting image on the paper in the #photography darkroom.