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In house Drawing Class Adult 1-1 session
In house Drawing Class Adult 1-1 session
"Start Where You're At" Drawing class.
Service Description
The “Would I benefit from Drawing or Painting classes test” Please read through this to get you warmed up for our "interview". My ability to draw is: 1.Adequate 2.Could use lessons 3.I'm a Picasso! We all draw when we are children, it is part of human development, but most of us at some point stop drawing, many adults still draw now as they did when they were 8 or 9 years old. Many of my past adult students expressed to me that they were quite uncomfortable about this, even embarrassed. I learned, for many adults not being able to draw can have a negative impact on self esteem. I’ve met adults who are extremely successful and sophisticated who pale at the thought of having to draw anything. May aim in working with adults, is to assist them by teaching techniques to improve their drawing ability. I teach the building blocks and how to " see like an artist". We work together until my students are satisfied with their improved skill level and ability. Drawing for fun and pleasure – drop in sketching classes When did you stop drawing? Why did you stop drawing? 1. When asked to draw what I mean I: a) panic b) stumble through the process making excuses c) feel my head turn into a wholly jumble d) draw the equivalent of a stick man e) confidently sketch out what I was thinking 2. It is time to play a board game, you choose : a) monopoly b) Pictionary c) Scrabble d) Risk a) Your child, grandchild , or niece / nephew asks you to color with them, you: a) run away b) accidentally break a crayon c) can’t seem to stay inside of the lines d) are made fun of by the child for the color combinations you choose e) I love coloring I suck at Drawing is there any hope for me The “Will my child benefit from drawing classes test”